2Stabilise Marine Fender replaces the traditional tires from tractors and cars on the piers and docks along the Norwegian coastline. The Marine Fender does not dissolve in contact with water over time and therefore saves the ocean environment from huge amounts of micro plastics and pollution. The product protects the ocean and absorbs the impact force from big and small vessels without leaving marks.
2Stabilise Marine Fender is produced in Polyurethane. A material we are well familiar with from our core business of offshore conductor and cassion stabilisation. The material is very robust and a preferred material over traditional rubber.
Choosing a 2Stabilise Marine Fender, means choosing an environment friendly product and a product with a high durability and estimated lifespan. It also means choosing a product with very low maintenance costs.
2Stabilise produce in several standard sizes for the most used marine installations in Norway, and we also produce custom to our client needs, big and small.
- Maintenance free
- Securely fastened to the dock
- No marks on the boat
- Good shock absorption and esthetic design
- No pollution of microplastics in the ocean
2Stablise Marine Fender erstatter bildekket, beskytter havet og tar imot fartøyet.
2Stabilise Marine Fender er produsert i polyuretan. Et materiale som har meget robuste og foretrukne egenskaper fremfor gummi.
Velger man 2Stabilise Marine Fender, velges ikke bare et miljøvennlig produkt, men også et produkt med meget lang levetid og betydelig reduserte vedlikeholdskostnader. Gode fenderegenskaper, muligheter for tilpassing til ulike kai typer samt god design.
- Fenderene er vedlikeholdsfrie
- Fendrene er godt sikret til kaien og gir ikke merker på båtskroget
- God fendereffekt sammen med et funksjonelt og estetisk design
- Ingen utslipp av mikroplast!